Monday, August 8, 2011

Teens' Top Ten Nominees, Part II: Paranormal Romance

You can’t throw a stick these days without staking a YA vampire-romance novel. Ever since Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series turned out to be ridiculously popular, publishers have decided paranormal romance novels are their ticket to the Gravy Train. The YA market is crawling with vampires, werewolves, angels, faeries, and even zombies (because true love improves the rotten smell), so it’s not surprising that a good chunk of the Teens’ Top Ten nominees fall into this category. What IS surprising is that there are no nonparanormal romance novels on the list. So if you’re feeling romantically inclined, it’s time to choose up sides: Team Edward or Team Jacob. Apparently, Team Normal Boy is no longer in the game.

The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
In Victorian England, Tessa Gray’s search for her missing brother takes a dangerous turn when she is captured by the mysterious Dark Sisters and learns that she has shape-shifting powers. When she is rescued by a group calling themselves Shadowhunters, she discovers that there are magical and supernatural beings who live alongside mortals, hidden from normal society. This series takes place in the same world as Clare’s Mortal Instruments books but 145 years in the past. If you’re unfamiliar with Mortal Instruments, don’t sweat it: this new series can be read on its own. Book two is scheduled for release this December.

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
When Calla, a Guardian wolf, broke her masters’ laws to save a hiker from a bear attack, she unknowingly changed the course of her own destiny, entwining her fate with that of the hiker, a boy with secrets of his own. This is the first book in an exciting new series that will appeal to all the Team Jacob fans out there. Werewolves FTW! Book two, Wolfsbane, is already available.

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
In this sequel to Fitzpatrick’s Hush Hush, Nora struggles with doubt as Patch, her guardian angel boyfriend, grows increasingly distant. When Scott, an old family friend, moves back to town, Nora finds herself drawn to him, but can she trust him? This book makes more sense if you’ve read book one. Book three comes out in October.

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Evie has the ability to see through “glamours”, the illusions that allow paranormal creatures such as faeries to appear normal. Using her ability, she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA) finding and protecting the world’s paranormals. After a break-in at the agency and the appearance of a shape-shifting boy, someone starts hunting down paranormals and Evie’s own life may be in danger. This is the first book in a planned trilogy; book two, Supernaturally, is already available.

Find these and other titles at the Andover Public Library. Next week, we'll talk about something less romantic - namely, SF dystopian fiction.

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