Thursday, July 14, 2011

Book Chat: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


"Each summer I select one 'classic' to read, and this summer I selected Jane Eyre since the movie came out again. This is also a re-read (read 30 years ago!). First time I read it I felt that it was a tragedy. Much like a Greek tragedy. This time I read it I found Jane to have all the characteristics of a modern woman. She rises up from adversity and manages to keep her head on straight with determination and true good characters. Charlotte Brontë writes her setting and characters with vivid and amazing word choices. (Does she use the same word twice?) I enjoyed this much more the second time and think that reading this as an adult brings a world more insight into the true depth of the intended story. No longer does this seem like a Greek tragedy, but rather a story of triumph and happiness one makes for themselves." -Suzanne Eastman

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