Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hayley's Children's Book Reviews

Harry and Horsie want some cookies, but mom put the cookie jar way up out of reach. They decide to build a CookieBot, a robot that will be able to reach the cookies. Read CookieBot! A Harry And Horsie Advernture written by Katie Van Camp and see what happens when CookieBot runs completely out of control. Colorful, retro style comic book illustrations are a perfect match for this fun adventure.

The Little Little Girl With The Big Big Voice is a fun story about a little girl in search of a new animal friend to play with, but her big voice scares all of the animals away. Will she ever find one that isn’t frightened by her “roaring” voice? Find out in this colorfully illustrated book written by Kristen Balouch.

Karma Wilson’s, Hogwash!, is a clever story about a Farmer trying to give his pigs a spring cleaning. No matter how hard he tries he can’t give his pigs a bath. His wild imagination helps him come up with all sorts of tricks but the pigs always manage to out smart him. Read this crazy story and find out what happens to Farmer when he finds himself stuck in the mud.

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