Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meet the Librarian: Tiffany, Circulation Librarian

Name: Tiffany Taylor
Position at the library: Circulation Librarian

1. How long have you been at APL?  7 months

2. What’s your favorite thing about APL? The staff. I’m incredibly blessed to not only find my co-workers tolerable, but to actually LIKE them all, too! Not many people can say that about their job.

3. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite books EVER would have to be the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I didn’t read them until I was in college, but they got me reading again after being burned out from all the horribly boring textbooks I was having to read at the time. I’ve read them several times and all the characters honestly all feel like long-lost friends to me. I can’t say that about many other books.

4. Do you have any other book or author recommendations? The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth, and any book by C.S. Lewis, Jane Austen, and Mo Willems.

5. Do you have any hobbies? (Besides reading?) I watch a lot of Netflix with my hubby (that’s a hobby, right?) and I love to play board games. I like to play volleyball and racquetball as well, but I don’t really get to play anymore, so those are probably more a hobby of the past.

6. If you weren’t a librarian, what would you be? Perhaps a high school English or History teacher. Or to go in a different direction, I wouldn’t mind working for a non-profit working with homeless or foster children and teens.

7. What’s your favorite food? Panang Curry and Crème Brulee. I can’t get enough of either.

8. What is the funniest experience you’ve ever had at the library? Just last month I watched as a mother and her child were walking to the desk to check out their items. The mother warned her child to watch out for the display case since he was headed straight for it. Then she warned him again, and two seconds later everyone in the library heard a loud thud as the kid walked straight into it. He briefly cried, then was of course fine. Meanwhile, the mother and I tried not to crack up in front of him.

9. What does your dream library look like? Spacious, colorful, lots of comfy lounge chairs and study rooms, and a lot of happy people walking around.

10.   Talk about other stuff you like (movies, TV, music, games, etc.) Super Mario Brothers and Just Dance on the Wii, Settlers of Catan, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, Killer Bunnies, Balderdash, and many other awesome board games, How I Met Your Mother, any British murder mystery, The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. This list could go on forever, so I’ll just stop with that.
This one time, in the stacks...

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